Apr 4, 2009


Hello friends. I am currently exploring the ancient tombs of pharaohs, swimming in the Red Sea, cruising down the Nile river and hoping hoping hoping that I see one of THESE.

I will share pictures with you all very soon...


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. I can't wait to see all your pictures! I am so jealous and would love to go back someday! Eat some yummy magnum bars for me!

  3. Ich bin zurück
    Was fehlt Bilder
    Die mittlere Kontaktlinsen
    Das ist der schlechteste Film gefilterte Licht
    Zu Hause ist Hinterhof
    In der Grundlage, dass der Bauch
    Ich wartete, die Zeit war es notwendig
    Slip weg, so sehr, dass ich gekommen bin,
    Wein ohne künstliche Sporen calc
    Space Eroberung Wartezeit
    Sport umgangenen ging zurück Spin
    Drain Schwimmen Radfahren Wandern
    Encabulado mit meinem Pedal Dara Torres schwimmen Jeannie Longo Fahrt Hiroshi Hoketsu Oscar Swahn schießen und auf dem Weg zu verfolgen.

  4. Sweet! I am so jealous. I would LOVE to be there with you.

  5. what a trip! Carruth's just got back from there and ranted and raved on how awesome it was too.
    It is on my list of places to visit! Loved the pics!
    Where's the picture of your tan? ha ha
