Jun 7, 2010

Summer is here!

That picture above illustrates reason no. 357 why I love Berlin - my terrace.  I have never had an outdoor space anywhere I have lived and I can't possibly describe how happy it makes me.

A week ago it was like 10 degrees Celcius (50 F) and it was grey as can be - then like one day later we woke up and the sun was shining, it was 27 degrees (80 F) and it was like summer suddenly and dramatically arrived.   My garden sure is happy about it too  (though birds keep trying to destroy those flowers above). 

I love to sit out on my terrace in the warm sun with a good book... pausing every now and again to tend to flowers or plants...or maybe sneak a strawberry or cherry tomato or two (they are like little snack trees!).

 I am excited to see my tomatoes and peppers grow through the season.  I am loving learning how to take care of these plants, even with their little problems. I have already had to play with the fertilzer because the peppers weren't getting enough nitrogen (I think...they seem to be perking up now);  and the aphids (grrr) seem to like my tomatoes so I sprayed them with a mix of olive oil, hot pepper and water which supposedly will get rid of them and deter them.

I think right now I am going to quit blogging and got study for German class outside :)


  1. hi this is the frist visit here
    good blog

    and a fantastic photos

  2. I can see why you love this space Julie. It is awesome. Interesting learning about how to get rid of problems with tomatoes.
    I am having problems with something eating my pea leaves--argh. I am going to have to figure out what to do about not having them ruin the entire plant! We had a bumper crop of strawberries, and they keep on giving!
    I love your terrace!

  3. So happy for you that you have an outdoor living space to enjoy now! Wish I could see it in person!
